Now that you are almost two months into 2017, it’s time to check-in and see how those resolutions are going. Have they stuck, or have you fallen off the wagon? Either way, below are our top five tips to help you get out of a slump and stick with it. 

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1) Get the unrealistic expectations out of your head – Good news – we only need about 150 minutes (less than 3 hours) of moderate exercise each week with strength training (a must!) to get all the amazing benefits of fitness!  That just seems really doable, right?  

2) Start with baby steps – Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you can’t expect to go from 0 to 100 right away. In fact, one of our MOST popular plans in getting started is just 8 sessions/month.  And once clients find a groove – they’ll bump it up to more.  Start small. 

3) Stop making comparisons – Your experience is not the same as your neighbors, so don’t hold yourself to their standards. Eliminate the “keeping up with the jones” mindset, and focus on you.

4) Fake it till you make it. – It’s hard to get out of a rut, so if you find yourself complaining flip the internal script.  Tell yourself you are so excited to get movin’ and cannot wait.  The mind really does believe what we tell it!

5) Visualize – Instead of fixating on how hard it’s going to be to get to your end goal, think about how great it will be once you get there. The glass is always half full.

Need a little more encouragement? Private training sessions are a great way to work one-on-one with our trainers to help you get motivated. Click here to learn more about private training.